Meet the best Aiden alternative

Making the switch to a new platform can be daunting. But what if there was a solution that offered a smoother, more secure, and ultimately more productive experience than what you're currently using? Here's why Crobox is the best Aiden alternative.
Comprehensive Quality Checks
Our solution has automated path validation and quality check features. Once you complete building your Product Advisor flow, you receive a thorough quality check that identifies broken paths, "lost" products, incomplete filters, and translation errors.
Integrated Data Analytics
You don't need an extra customer data platform to use the insights from Crobox. Our solution includes an in-house analytics dashboard to monitor, visualize, and share data easily across departments, turning it a strategic asset for your business.
Unlimited Guided Selling Potential
With Crobox, you can guide your shoppers with experiential add-ons: think dynamic messages, recommendations, and product comparisons - empowering you to foster greater product engagement across the customer journey.
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